学生入职和成功. (原招生)

入学政策 & 常见问题



在线电子游戏网赌接受, students must complete the 招生和注册步骤 listed on our 网站. 的 招生和注册步骤 可以在线观看.


Home-schooled applicants must provide the following documentation for admission:

  • 证明有N.C. 非公立教育司(DNPE).
  • 一个完整的, final high school transcript (including a list of all courses taken, 最终课程成绩, 最后的平均绩点). 的 transcript should include the official school name and the administrator's signature.
  • A copy of test scores for the last two years of home school instruction of a nationally standardized test.


Under the State Board of Community College's rule "Admission to Colleges," undocumented immigrants will be admitted if the following requirements are met:

  • Must be a graduate of an United States public high school, 私立高中, or home school that operates in compliance with state or local law
  • 必须支付州外学费吗
  • 无证移民不允许攻读健康科学课程或任何有入学等待名单的课程.
  • Undocumented immigrants will be permitted to register for classes once the late registration period begins.

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) Applicants

根据DACA计划获得延期的申请人负责提交文件以确定他们具有DACA分类. 该文档包括I-797, 工作授权文件(EAD), 还有社保卡. DACA学生必须遵守一般的入学标准和程序,并支付州外学费. 具有DACA分类的学生不允许攻读健康科学课程或任何有入学等待名单的课程.


18岁或以上的申请人可以注册为特殊学分学生,无需指定教育目标或学习计划,也不打算攻读学位. To be admitted, the special credit student needs only to complete an application. 特殊学分的学生没有资格获得经济援助或退伍军人福利,必须满足每门课程注册的所有先决条件.


职业和大学承诺为符合条件的北卡罗莱纳州高中生提供无缝的免学费双入学教育机会,以加速完成大学证书, 文凭, and associate degrees that lead to 大学 transfer or provide entry-level job skills. Admission and eligibility requirements can be viewed on the 职业和大学前景 网站.


被勒令休学的学生将在一个学期内暂停所有课程和所有大学活动,但ACA-085的注册除外. Academic suspension is posted to the student's official transcript for that term.

一个学生可以 再次入院 一届休学期满后 完成成功计划 教育导航仪. Students can schedule an appointment with their 教育导航器 开始吧.


本课程旨在提高学术学习技能,并引入资源,以补充发展课程,并在大学水平的课程中取得成功. 主题包括基本的学习技巧, 记忆技巧, 笔记策略, 考试技巧, 图书馆的技能, 个人提升策略, 目标设定, 学习资源. 在完成, students should be able to apply techniques learned to improve performance in 大学-level classes.


你要退出在线电子游戏网赌的所有课程吗? If so, take a few minutes to share information about your experience with us. It's important for us to use these student experiences to assist us in improving our processes, 服务, 和资源.



应用ing to 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院 is a simple process. 的 入学步骤 可以在网上找到. Simply decide what type of student you are and follow the path.


中央卡罗莱纳社区学院 does not charge an application fee.

What do I have to do in addition to submitting my admissions application?


  • 您的高中成绩单的正式副本直接从您的高中发送到我们的大学或其他高中完成的正式成绩单(GED分数), 等.)
  • An official transcript from any 大学(s) you have attended. We must receive a transcript for all 大学 work you have done, whether you graduated or not.
  • Submit any test scores you have within the last ten years (SAT, ACT, Asset, Compass, or Accuplacer).


If a student has graduated from high school or completed a GED within the past ten years, 然后高中的未加权GPA或GED分数将用于将学生安排到他们的入门英语和数学. 符合下列条件之一的学生将有资格参加分班考试:高中毕业10年以上, 他在十多年前完成了普通教育水平考试, 或者这个学生是国际学生. For more information and to schedule a test, visit the 分班测试网站

Do I request my transcripts to be sent or does the 大学 request them for me?

It is the student's responsibility to request and submit all admissions requirements.


No. Official transcripts must be sent in a sealed envelope. 当大学直接从高中通过邮件收到成绩单时,成绩单就是“官方成绩单”, 大学, 或者其他机构. Additionally, official transcripts can be sent electronically to success@boonfashion.net. 有关成绩单的更多信息,请参阅 学生记录和注册主任成绩单 网站.


We must receive your application for admission and all official transcripts for you to be officially accepted. Once we are in receipt of these requirements, you will meet with an 教育导航器 讨论你是否接受.


的 process of obtaining all of your paperwork can take weeks. 的 sooner you apply and start the application process, the sooner you will find out when you may enter school.

我只需要申请一次吗, 无论我什么时候开始上学,或者如果我退学一个学期或离开学校几年,我都必须重新申请?

Once you apply and we have received all of your paperwork, you will have a permanent file. You will need to update your application if you have not attended school for over one year. 你将不需要重新提交新的成绩单或分班考试成绩,除非它已经超过5年,从你最后一次出席的日期.


是的. Students can take a class and not pursue a degree, diploma, or certificate program. 学生将注册为“特殊学分”学生. In order to take a class, special credit students need only to file an application. 特殊学分的学生没有资格获得经济援助或退伍军人福利,必须满足每门课程的所有先决条件和/或同等要求, 如果适用的话.


我是另一所学院/大学的学生. Can I take a class at 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院 and transfer the course to my institution?

是的. 将从中央卡罗来纳社区学院的课程转到其他机构的学生将作为“特殊学分”学生申请. 我们敦促学生在学习课程之前与他们的机构核实,以确保课程是可转的. 转学在线电子游戏网赌课程的学生必须满足所有课程的先决条件和/或同等要求, 如果适用的话. 必须提供官方成绩单,以证明在在线电子游戏网赌课程开始之前满足了先决条件.

I have been living in North Carolina for less than 12 months. 我是北卡罗来纳州居民吗?

为了学费的目的而成为一名合格的居民, 在向在线电子游戏网赌提出申请之前,申请人必须在北卡罗来纳州建立合法住所,并保持该合法住所至少12个月. 此外, a student must establish that his or her presence in North Carolina currently is, 在12个月的合格期内, 为维持真实住所而非单纯为在高等院校就读而临时居住的目的.

116 - 143章.1 of the NC General Statutes covers the requirements for determining resident status for tuition purposes.

所有申请人均须填写“ 北卡居留决定. Residency determination establishes if students will be charged in-state or out-of-state tuition. You must complete the NC Residency Determination before completing a 大学 application.

I am active-duty military and am permanently stationed in North Carolina. 我或我的家属有州内学费吗?

Military service members and their eligible dependents are considered in-state for tuition purposes. 学生必须是现役军人(永久驻扎在北卡罗来纳州),或者是永久驻扎在北卡罗来纳州的现役军人的家庭成员. 资格, 学生必须填写一份“作为武装部队成员或其家庭成员亲属享受州学费的申请”." This application can be obtained from the Student Development 服务 Office.


我们确实分发印刷的 大学在线电子游戏网赌, but we encourage students to view the catalog 在线.

我还没决定学习计划. 我该找谁?

Our Career Center assists students with career exploration and development as well as educational planning. You may call (919) 718-7396 to make an appointment to see the Career Center Coordinator.


你可联络 教育导航器 in the Office of 学生入职和成功(以前的招生). 如果您有任何疑问,请拨打(919)718-7300. 如果你对 招生步骤,你可以在网上找到所有的步骤.


是的, some programs will have specific admission requirements. 回顾我们的竞争 招生项目网站 或者联系 教育导航器 对于您选择的课程.


在某些条件下, 北卡罗来纳公众, 私人, 16岁以上在家接受教育的高中生可以在高中就读期间免学费参加中央卡罗来纳社区学院的课程. Dual/Concurrent Enrollment students will follow the 大学 schedule. 学生可向学校的辅导员索取“双重/同时入学申请”表格. 获得了证书, 文凭, 或者在高中毕业后授予学位, 收到高中最终成绩单, 根据书面要求.


在完成副学士学位并保证被坎贝尔大学录取的同时,你是否对世界一流的领导力和管理培训感兴趣? 我们很自豪能与坎贝尔大学合作提供后备军官训练团(ROTC)项目. 参加这个项目的学生, "陆军后备军官训练队学员", 将有机会在坎贝尔大学位于比斯克里克的主校区学习军事科学课程,并获得在线电子游戏网赌的副学士学位后转学到坎贝尔大学.

了解更多关于 坎贝尔大学后备军官训练队项目 在线.

For more information regarding the ROTC partnership, please contact:

Dean of 学生入职和成功(以前的招生)
(919) 718-7526


克里斯一个. Psaltis Ed.D, MSA
(910) 893-1590